Running Code

The code uses Hydra framework for composing configs and running the code. Let us say that we want to train multi-task SAC on MT10 (from MetaWorld). The command for that will look like:

PYTHONPATH=. python3 -u \
setup=metaworld \
agent=state_sac \
env=metaworld-mt10 \
agent.multitask.num_envs=10 \

Let us break this command piece by piece.

  • setup=metaworld says that we want to use a specific setup called metaworld. In multitask RL, different works/environments care about different setups. For example, commonly multitask RL environments use episodic rewards as the metric to optimize while MetaWorld [YQH+20] use success as the key metric. Some multitask RL setups evaluate the agent on the same set of environments that it was trained on while HiPBMDP [ZSKP20] evalutes on three sets of unseen environments. We abstract away these details via setup parameter. Supported values are listed here. When a setup is selected, the corresponding metrics config is also loaded. By default, we also load optimizers and agent components based on the setup value but this can be easily overided (as described in the next step). We can easily add a new setup, by defining a new config or updating the existing configs. For example, to add the hipbdmp setup, we added a metrics config and new optimizer configs assuming the values should be different for the new setup. But we do not change the agent configs as the agent implementation does not have to change with the setup, though the user is free to update the agent configs as well.

  • agent=state_sac says that we want to train SAC using state observations.

    • Other supported agents are listed as top-level yaml files here.

    • Update the config files to change the agent’s hyper-parameters.

    • Add a new config file to support a new agent.

    • You would note that we are using the setup value in the name of component configs and optimizer configs. This is completely optional and the same effect can be achieved by command line overrides. We opt for using multiple config to reduce the overhead of remembering what values to override when running the code.

  • env=metaworld-mt10 says that we want to train on MT10 environment from MetaWorld.

    • Other supported environments are listed here.

    • New environments can be added by creating a new config file in the directory above.

  • agent.multitask.num_envs=10 sets the number of tasks to be 10.

  • agent.multitask.should_use_disentangled_alpha=True says that we want to learn a different entropy coefficient for each task.

We can update the previous command to train multi-task multi-headed SAC agent by adding an additional argument agent.multitask.should_use_multi_head_policy=True as follows:

PYTHONPATH=. python3 -u \
setup=metaworld \
agent=state_sac \
env=metaworld-mt10 \
agent.multitask.num_envs=10 \
agent.multitask.should_use_disentangled_alpha=True \

We can control more aspetts of training (like seed, number of training steps, batch size etc) by adding ad the previous command to train multi-task multi-headed SAC agent by adding additional arguments as follows:

PYTHONPATH=. python3 -u \
setup=metaworld \
env=metaworld-mt10 \
agent=state_sac \
agent.multitask.num_envs=10 \
agent.multitask.should_use_disentangled_alpha=True \
agent.multitask.should_use_multi_head_policy=True \
experiment.num_train_steps=2000000 \
setup.seed=1 \
  • experiment.num_train_steps=2000000 says that we should train the agent for 2 million steps.

  • setup.seed=1 sets the seed to 1.

  • replay_buffer.batch_size=1280 says that batches, sampled from replay buffer, will contain 1280 transitions.