Source code for mtrl.experiment.dmcontrol

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
"""Class to interface with an Experiment"""

from typing import List

import numpy as np
from mtenv.utils.types import ObsType

from mtrl.agent import utils as agent_utils
from mtrl.env.vec_env import VecEnv  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from mtrl.experiment import multitask
from mtrl.utils.types import ConfigType, TensorType

[docs]class Experiment(multitask.Experiment): def __init__(self, config: ConfigType, experiment_id: str = "0"): """Experiment Class to manage the lifecycle of a multi-task model. Args: config (ConfigType): experiment_id (str, optional): Defaults to "0". """ super().__init__(config, experiment_id)
[docs] def get_action_when_evaluating_vec_env_of_tasks( self, multitask_obs: ObsType, modes: List[str] ) -> TensorType: agent = self.agent with agent_utils.eval_mode(agent): action = agent.select_action(multitask_obs=multitask_obs, modes=modes) return action
[docs] def evaluate_vec_env_of_tasks(self, vec_env: VecEnv, step: int, episode: int): """Evaluate the agent's performance on the different environments, vectorized as a single instance of vectorized environment. Since we are evaluating on multiple tasks, we track additional metadata to track which metric corresponds to which task. Args: vec_env (VecEnv): vectorized environment. step (int): step for tracking the training of the agent. episode (int): episode for tracking the training of the agent. """ for mode in self.eval_modes_to_env_ids: self.logger.log(f"{mode}/episode", episode, step) episode_reward, mask, done = [ np.full(shape=vec_env.num_envs, fill_value=fill_value) for fill_value in [0.0, 1.0, False] ] # (num_envs, 1) multitask_obs = vec_env.reset() # (num_envs, 9, 84, 84) offset = self.config.experiment.num_eval_episodes while not np.all(done): action = self.get_action_when_evaluating_vec_env_of_tasks( multitask_obs=multitask_obs, modes=vec_env.mode ) multitask_obs, reward, done, _ = vec_env.step(action) mask = mask * (1 - done.astype(int)) episode_reward += reward * mask start_index = 0 for mode in self.eval_modes_to_env_ids: num_envs = len(self.eval_modes_to_env_ids[mode]) self.logger.log( f"{mode}/episode_reward", episode_reward[start_index : start_index + offset * num_envs].mean(), step, ) for _current_env_index, _current_env_id in enumerate( self.eval_modes_to_env_ids[mode] ): self.logger.log( f"{mode}/episode_reward_env_index_{_current_env_index}", episode_reward[ start_index + _current_env_index * offset : start_index + (_current_env_index + 1) * offset ].mean(), step, ) self.logger.log( f"{mode}/env_index_{_current_env_index}", _current_env_id, step ) start_index += offset * num_envs self.logger.dump(step)