Source code for mtrl.replay_buffer

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
import os
import shutil
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import torch

from mtrl.utils.types import TensorType

[docs]@dataclass class ReplayBufferSample: __slots__ = [ "env_obs", "action", "reward", "next_env_obs", "not_done", "task_obs", "buffer_index", ] env_obs: TensorType action: TensorType reward: TensorType next_env_obs: TensorType not_done: TensorType task_obs: TensorType buffer_index: TensorType
[docs]class ReplayBuffer(object): """Buffer to store environment transitions.""" def __init__( self, env_obs_shape, task_obs_shape, action_shape, capacity, batch_size, device ): self.capacity = capacity self.batch_size = batch_size self.device = device # the proprioceptive env_obs is stored as float32, pixels env_obs as uint8 env_obs_dtype = np.float32 if len(env_obs_shape) == 1 else np.uint8 task_obs_dtype = np.int64 self.env_obses = np.empty((capacity, *env_obs_shape), dtype=env_obs_dtype) self.next_env_obses = np.empty((capacity, *env_obs_shape), dtype=env_obs_dtype) self.actions = np.empty((capacity, *action_shape), dtype=np.float32) self.rewards = np.empty((capacity, 1), dtype=np.float32) self.not_dones = np.empty((capacity, 1), dtype=np.float32) self.task_obs = np.empty((capacity, *task_obs_shape), dtype=task_obs_dtype) self.idx = 0 self.last_save = 0 self.full = False
[docs] def is_empty(self): return self.idx == 0
[docs] def add(self, env_obs, action, reward, next_env_obs, done, task_obs): np.copyto(self.env_obses[self.idx], env_obs) np.copyto(self.actions[self.idx], action) np.copyto(self.rewards[self.idx], reward) np.copyto(self.next_env_obses[self.idx], next_env_obs) np.copyto(self.not_dones[self.idx], not done) np.copyto(self.task_obs[self.idx], task_obs) self.idx = (self.idx + 1) % self.capacity self.full = self.full or self.idx == 0
[docs] def sample(self, index=None) -> ReplayBufferSample: if index is None: idxs = np.random.randint( 0, self.capacity if self.full else self.idx, size=self.batch_size ) else: idxs = index env_obses = torch.as_tensor(self.env_obses[idxs], device=self.device).float() actions = torch.as_tensor(self.actions[idxs], device=self.device) rewards = torch.as_tensor(self.rewards[idxs], device=self.device) next_env_obses = torch.as_tensor( self.next_env_obses[idxs], device=self.device ).float() not_dones = torch.as_tensor(self.not_dones[idxs], device=self.device) env_indices = torch.as_tensor(self.task_obs[idxs], device=self.device) return ReplayBufferSample( env_obses, actions, rewards, next_env_obses, not_dones, env_indices, idxs )
[docs] def sample_an_index( self, index, total_number_of_environments ) -> ReplayBufferSample: """Return env_observations for only the given index""" idxs = np.random.randint( 0, self.capacity if self.full else self.idx, size=total_number_of_environments * self.batch_size * 4, ) idxs = np.asarray( [_idx for _idx in idxs if int(self.task_obs[_idx][0]) == index][ : self.batch_size ] ) env_obses = torch.as_tensor(self.env_obses[idxs], device=self.device).float() actions = torch.as_tensor(self.actions[idxs], device=self.device) rewards = torch.as_tensor(self.rewards[idxs], device=self.device) next_env_obses = torch.as_tensor( self.next_env_obses[idxs], device=self.device ).float() not_dones = torch.as_tensor(self.not_dones[idxs], device=self.device) env_indices = torch.as_tensor(self.task_obs[idxs], device=self.device) return ReplayBufferSample( env_obses, actions, rewards, next_env_obses, not_dones, env_indices, idxs )
def _sample_a_replay_buffer(self, num_samples): """This method returns a new replay buffer which contains samples from the original replay buffer. For now, this is meant to be used only when saving a replay buffer. """ indices = np.random.choice( self.capacity if self.full else self.idx, num_samples, replace=False ) # we can revisit this later, if needed new_replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer( env_obs_shape=self.env_obses.shape[1:], action_shape=self.actions.shape[1:], capacity=num_samples, batch_size=self.batch_size, device=self.device, ) new_replay_buffer.env_obses = self.env_obses[indices] new_replay_buffer.next_env_obses = self.next_env_obses[indices] new_replay_buffer.actions = self.actions[indices] new_replay_buffer.rewards = self.rewards[indices] new_replay_buffer.not_dones = self.not_dones[indices] new_replay_buffer.task_obs = self.task_obs[indices] return new_replay_buffer
[docs] def delete_from_filesystem(self, dir_to_delete_from: str): for filename in os.listdir(dir_to_delete_from): file_path = os.path.join(dir_to_delete_from, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) print(f"Deleted {file_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to delete {file_path}. Reason: {e}") print(f"Deleted files from: {dir_to_delete_from}")
[docs] def save(self, save_dir, size_per_chunk: int, num_samples_to_save: int): if self.idx == self.last_save: return if num_samples_to_save == -1: # Save the entire replay buffer self._save_all( save_dir=save_dir, size_per_chunk=size_per_chunk, ) else: if num_samples_to_save > self.idx: num_samples_to_save = self.idx replay_buffer_to_save = self else: replay_buffer_to_save = self._sample_a_replay_buffer( num_samples=num_samples_to_save ) replay_buffer_to_save.idx = num_samples_to_save replay_buffer_to_save.last_save = 0 backup_dir_path = Path(f"{save_dir}_bk") if not backup_dir_path.exists(): backup_dir_path.mkdir() replay_buffer_to_save._save_all( save_dir=str(backup_dir_path), size_per_chunk=size_per_chunk, ) replay_buffer_to_save.delete_from_filesystem(dir_to_delete_from=save_dir) backup_dir_path.rename(save_dir) self.last_save = self.idx
def _save_all(self, save_dir, size_per_chunk: int): if self.idx == self.last_save: return if self.last_save == self.capacity: self.last_save = 0 if self.idx > self.last_save: self._save_payload( save_dir=save_dir, start_idx=self.last_save, end_idx=self.idx, size_per_chunk=size_per_chunk, ) else: self._save_payload( save_dir=save_dir, start_idx=self.last_save, end_idx=self.capacity, size_per_chunk=size_per_chunk, ) self._save_payload( save_dir=save_dir, start_idx=0, end_idx=self.idx, size_per_chunk=size_per_chunk, ) self.last_save = self.idx def _save_payload( self, save_dir: str, start_idx: int, end_idx: int, size_per_chunk: int ): while True: if size_per_chunk > 0: current_end_idx = min(start_idx + size_per_chunk, end_idx) else: current_end_idx = end_idx self._save_payload_chunk( save_dir=save_dir, start_idx=start_idx, end_idx=current_end_idx ) if current_end_idx == end_idx: break start_idx = current_end_idx def _save_payload_chunk(self, save_dir: str, start_idx: int, end_idx: int): path = os.path.join(save_dir, f"{start_idx}_{end_idx-1}.pt") payload = [ self.env_obses[start_idx:end_idx], self.next_env_obses[start_idx:end_idx], self.actions[start_idx:end_idx], self.rewards[start_idx:end_idx], self.not_dones[start_idx:end_idx], self.task_obs[start_idx:end_idx], ] print(f"Saving replay buffer at {path}"), path)
[docs] def load(self, save_dir): chunks = os.listdir(save_dir) chunks = sorted(chunks, key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[0])) start = 0 for chunk in chunks: path = os.path.join(save_dir, chunk) try: payload = torch.load(path) end = start + payload[0].shape[0] if end > self.capacity: # this condition is added for resuming some very old experiments. # This condition should not be needed with the new experiments # and should be removed going forward. select_till_index = payload[0].shape[0] - (end - self.capacity) end = start + select_till_index else: select_till_index = payload[0].shape[0] self.env_obses[start:end] = payload[0][:select_till_index] self.next_env_obses[start:end] = payload[1][:select_till_index] self.actions[start:end] = payload[2][:select_till_index] self.rewards[start:end] = payload[3][:select_till_index] self.not_dones[start:end] = payload[4][:select_till_index] self.task_obs[start:end] = payload[5][:select_till_index] self.idx = end - 1 start = end print(f"Loaded replay buffer from path: {path})") except EOFError as e: print( f"Skipping loading replay buffer from path: {path} due to error: {e}" ) self.last_save = self.idx
# self.delete_from_filesystem(dir_to_delete_from=save_dir)
[docs] def reset(self): self.idx = 0