Source code for

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
# Implementation based on Denis Yarats' implementation of [SAC](
"""Utility to record the environment frames into a video."""
import os

import imageio

[docs]class VideoRecorder(object): def __init__(self, dir_name, height=256, width=256, camera_id=0, fps=30): """Class to record the environment frames into a video. Args: dir_name ([type]): directory to save the recording. height (int, optional): height of the frame. Defaults to 256. width (int, optional): width of the frame. Defaults to 256. camera_id (int, optional): id of the camera for recording. Defaults to 0. fps (int, optional): frames-per-second for the recording. Defaults to 30. """ self.dir_name = dir_name self.height = height self.width = width self.camera_id = camera_id self.fps = fps self.frames = []
[docs] def init(self, enabled=True): """Initialize the recorder. Args: enabled (bool, optional): should enable the recorder or not. Defaults to True. """ self.frames = [] self.enabled = self.dir_name is not None and enabled
[docs] def record(self, frame, env=None): """Record the frames. Args: env ([type]): environment to record the frames. """ if self.enabled: if frame is None: assert env is not None frame = env.render( mode="rgb_array", height=self.height, width=self.width, camera_id=self.camera_id, ) self.frames.append(frame)
[docs] def save(self, file_name): """Save the frames as video to `self.dir_name` in a file named `file_name`. Args: file_name ([type]): name of the file to store the video frames. """ if self.enabled: path = os.path.join(self.dir_name, file_name) imageio.mimsave(path, self.frames, fps=self.fps)